Brink! A Growing Story Garden Blog
I base my work as a community gardener on the concept of gardens as a place where plants and humans connect. That’s what we are doing with A Growing Story at the Brink! site. The garden comprises three main areas. Firstly, the forest, which is made up of local sapling native trees as well as native plants that have had an important place in our food and health history. Secondly, the apple orchard, which consists of locally developed apple varieties or those with a deep connection to this part of the world. Finally, we have the home garden where we grow a variety of food, medicinal, and dyer’s plants.
These plants are helping us explore different stories about the past, present, and future of our food. As well as choosing them based on research into what has historically been important in this part of the world (e.g. potatoes, flax, oats, nettles), people involved in the project have chosen what’s important to them both locally and from their various countries of origin (e.g. coriander, mint, nigella, bay, oregano, Colombian potatoes).
Another important part of our garden are the plants that were already growing at the site when we started. A survey of existing species carried out by Queen’s University found over 40 different types. We want to celebrate these incredible pioneers that can exist in such challenging urban environments. I’m learning to live with, and even love, weeds. In addition to this, we have planted over 70 other species, bringing us to over 110, and the number is rising.
We will continue to interact with the plants at the garden as the season progresses, looking after, harvesting, tasting, and celebrating them and nurturing a place where people and plants connect now and, hopefully, into the future.
Post by Craig Sands, Grow NI