We work and play at the point of change exploring new ways to think and act in our city.

We are a platform for discussion, education and action centred on the issues of climate breakdown. We are driven by creative voices focused on innovative use of technology and citizen science to break through the status quo and consider new ways of living more – connected, healthy, sustainable, and resilient lives – in a rapidly changing environment.

The quality of our thinking today will define the reality of tomorrow.

It is time to tell ourselves a new story. One that calls on our creativity, compassion and connection to each other, that welcomes different thinkers together to find a new path. Facing challenges with curiosity and creativity we can choose opportunity over chaos.

Bringing together unlikely partners makes us stronger.

Being part of a large conversation that broadens the scope of what is possible allows more voices to join and more interesting outcomes to be explored.

Creative thinkers change how we see things.

Artistic endeavour gives us permission to break the rules, to look at things from a different viewpoint, challenge the norm and step into the unknown before it is laid out.

How can we turn a neglected empty site in the centre of Belfast into a thriving space for growing food, creating art, connecting people and showing what’s possible.

Bring life to an
urban desert

Brink! are exploring ways to bring this derelict site to life with a programme of work and events across 2024/25. The site, at the top of Royal Avenue and North Street, has been cleared to make way for Belfast Stories, a high profile visitor centre that will celebrate the narrative of this city. As a meanwhile solution we are creating a space that can demonstrate what can happen when we look at our city centre differently – how we can connect with it, make it grow, find space to play, experiment and educate.